Client Methods |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
The BrainCloudServiceClient type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AsyncMatch_AbandonMatch | Marks the given match as abandoned. | |
AsyncMatch_CompleteMatch | Marks the given match as complete. | |
AsyncMatch_CreateMatch | Creates an instance of an asynchronous match. | |
AsyncMatch_CreateMatchWithInitialTurn | Creates an instance of an asynchronous match with an initial turn. | |
AsyncMatch_DeleteMatch | Removes the match and match history from the server. DEBUG ONLY, in production it is recommended
the user leave it as completed. | |
AsyncMatch_FindCompleteMatches | Returns all matches that are in a COMPLETE state for which the player is involved. | |
AsyncMatch_FindMatches | Returns all matches that are NOT in a COMPLETE state for which the player is involved. | |
AsyncMatch_ReadMatch | Returns the current state of the given match. | |
AsyncMatch_ReadMatchHistory | Returns the match history of the given match. | |
AsyncMatch_SubmitTurn | Submits a turn for the given match. | |
AsyncMatch_UpdateMatchSummaryData | Allows the current player (only) to update Summary data without having to submit a whole turn. | |
Authentication_AuthenticateAnonymous | Authenticate a user anonymously with brainCloud - used for apps that don't want to bother
the user to login, or for users who are sensitive to their privacy | |
Authentication_AuthenticateEmailPassword | Authenticate the user with a custom Email and Password. Note that the client app
is responsible for collecting (and storing) the e-mail and potentially password
(for convenience) in the client data. For the greatest security,
force the user to re-enter their password at each login.
(Or at least give them that option). | |
Authentication_AuthenticateExternal | Authenticate the user via cloud code (which in turn validates the supplied credentials against an external system).
This allows the developer to extend brainCloud authentication to support other backend authentication systems. | |
Authentication_AuthenticatePhone | Authenticate the user via wechat | |
Authentication_AuthenticateUniversal | Authenticate the user using a userId and password (without any validation on the userId).
Similar to AuthenticateEmailPassword - except that that method has additional features to
allow for e-mail validation, password resets, etc. | |
Authentication_AuthenticateWechat | Authenticate the user via wechat | |
Authentication_CheckUsernameExists | ||
Authentication_ClearSavedProfileID | Used to clear the saved profile id - to use in cases when the user is
attempting to switch to a different app profile. | |
Authentication_GenerateAnonymousId | Used to create the anonymous installation id for the brainCloud profile. | |
Authentication_GetWeChatQRPageURL | @Authentication_GetWeChatQRPageURL_desc | |
Authentication_Initialize | Initialize - initializes the identity service with a saved
anonymous installation id and most recently used profile id | |
Authentication_RequestSmsCode | Request an SMS code sent to a phone prior to authentication. | |
Authentication_ResetEmailPassword | Reset Email password - Sends a password reset email to the specified address | |
Client_EnableLogging | Enable logging of brainCloud transactions (comms etc) | |
Client_EnableNetworkErrorMessageCaching | Enables the timeout message caching which is disabled by default.
Once enabled, if a client side timeout is encountered
(i.e. brainCloud server is unreachable presumably due to the client
network being down) the SDK will do the following:
1 - cache the currently queued messages to brainCloud
2 - call the network error callback
3 - then expect the app to call either:
a) RetryCachedMessages() to retry sending to brainCloud
b) FlushCachedMessages() to dump all messages in the queue.
Between steps 2 and 3, the app can prompt the user to retry connecting
to brainCloud to determine whether to follow path 3a or 3b.
Note that if path 3a is followed, and another timeout is encountered,
the process will begin all over again from step 1.
WARNING - the brainCloud SDK will cache *all* API calls sent
when a timeout is encountered if this mechanism is enabled.
This effectively freezes all communication with brainCloud.
Apps must call either RetryCachedMessages() or FlushCachedMessages()
for the brainCloud SDK to resume sending messages.
ResetCommunication() will also clear the message cache. | |
Client_FlushCachedMessages | Flushes the cached messages to resume API call processing. This will dump
all of the cached messages in the queue. | |
Client_GetAuthenticationPacketTimeout | Gets the authentication packet timeout which is tracked separately
from all other packets. Note that authentication packets are never
retried and so this value represents the total time a client would
wait to receive a reply to an authentication API call. By default
this timeout is set to 15 seconds. | |
Client_GetPacketTimeouts | Returns the list of packet timeouts. | |
Client_GetSessionId | Returns the sessionId or empty string if no session present. | |
Client_GetUploadLowTransferRateThreshold | Returns the low transfer rate threshold in bytes/sec | |
Client_GetUploadLowTransferRateTimeout | Returns the low transfer rate timeout in secs | |
Client_Initialize_SSS | Method initializes the BrainCloudClient. | |
Client_Initialize_SSSS | Method initializes the BrainCloudClient. | |
Client_InitializeIdentity | Initialize the identity aspects of brainCloud. | |
Client_InsertEndOfMessageBundleMarker | Inserts a marker which will tell the brainCloud comms layer
to close the message bundle off at this point. Any messages queued
before this method was called will likely be bundled together in
the next send to the server.
To ensure that only a single message is sent to the server you would
do something like this:
InsertEndOfMessageBundleMarker() | |
Client_IsAuthenticated | Returns true if the user is currently authenticated.
If a session time out or session invalidation is returned from executing a
sever API call, this flag will reset back to false. | |
Client_IsInitialized | Returns true if brainCloud has been initialized. | |
Client_OverrideCountryCode | Sets the country code sent to brainCloud when a user authenticates.
Will override any auto detected country. | |
Client_OverrideLanguageCode | Sets the language code sent to brainCloud when a user authenticates.
If the language is set to a non-ISO 639-1 standard value the game default will be used instead.
Will override any auto detected language. | |
Client_ResetCommunication | Resets all messages and calls to the server | |
Client_RetryCachedMessages | Attempts to resend any cached messages. If no messages are in the cache,
this method does nothing. | |
Client_SetAuthenticationPacketTimeout | Sets the authentication packet timeout which is tracked separately
from all other packets. Note that authentication packets are never
retried and so this value represents the total time a client would
wait to receive a reply to an authentication API call. By default
this timeout is set to 15 seconds. | |
Client_SetPacketTimeouts | ||
Client_SetPacketTimeoutsToDefault | Sets the packet timeouts back to default. | |
Client_SetUploadLowTransferRateThreshold | Sets the low transfer rate threshold of an upload in bytes/sec.
If the transfer rate dips below the given threshold longer
than the specified timeout, the transfer will fail.
By default this is set to 50 bytes/sec. Note that this timeout method
does not work on Unity mobile platforms. | |
Client_SetUploadLowTransferRateTimeout | Sets the timeout in seconds of a low speed upload
(i.e. transfer rate which is underneath the low transfer rate threshold).
By default this is set to 120 secs.Setting this value to 0 will
turn off the timeout. Note that this timeout method
does not work on Unity mobile platforms. | |
Client_Update | Update method needs to be called regularly in order
to process incoming and outgoing messages. | |
DataStream_CustomPageEvent | Creates custom data stream page event | |
DataStream_CustomScreenEvent | Creates custom data stream screen event | |
DataStream_CustomTrackEvent | Creates custom data stream track event | |
Dispose | ||
Entity_CreateEntity | Method creates a new entity on the server. | |
Entity_DeleteEntity | Method deletes the given entity on the server. | |
Entity_DeleteSingleton | Method deletes the given singleton on the server. | |
Entity_GetEntitiesByType | Method returns all user entities that match the given type. | |
Entity_GetEntity | Method to get a specific entity. | |
Entity_GetList | Method gets list of entities from the server base on type and/or where clause | |
Entity_GetListCount | Method gets a count of entities based on the where clause | |
Entity_GetPage | Method uses a paging system to iterate through user entities.
After retrieving a page of entities with this method,
use GetPageOffset() to retrieve previous or next pages. | |
Entity_GetPageOffset | Method to retrieve previous or next pages after having called
the GetPage method. | |
Entity_GetSharedEntitiesForProfileId | Method returns all shared entities for the given profile id.
An entity is shared if its ACL allows for the currently logged
in user to read the data. | |
Entity_GetSharedEntitiesListForProfileId | Method gets list of shared entities for the specified user based on type and/or where clause | |
Entity_GetSharedEntityForProfileId | Method returns a shared entity for the given profile and entity ID.
An entity is shared if its ACL allows for the currently logged
in user to read the data. | |
Entity_GetSingleton | Method retrieves a singleton entity on the server. If the entity doesn't exist, null is returned. | |
Entity_IncrementSharedUserEntityData | Partial increment of shared entity data field items. Partial set of items incremented as specified. | |
Entity_IncrementUserEntityData | Partial increment of entity data field items. Partial set of items incremented as specified. | |
Entity_UpdateEntity | Method updates a new entity on the server. This operation results in the entity
data being completely replaced by the passed in JSON string. | |
Entity_UpdateSharedEntity | Method updates a shared entity owned by another user. This operation results in the entity
data being completely replaced by the passed in JSON string. | |
Entity_UpdateSingleton | Method updates a singleton entity on the server. This operation results in the entity
data being completely replaced by the passed in JSON string. If the entity doesn't exist it is created. | |
Event_DeleteIncomingEvent | Delete an event out of the user's incoming mailbox. | |
Event_GetEvents | Get the events currently queued for the user. | |
Event_SendEvent | Sends an event to the designated profile id with the attached json data.
Any events that have been sent to a user will show up in their
incoming event mailbox. If the recordLocally flag is set to true,
a copy of this event (with the exact same event id) will be stored
in the sending user's "sent" event mailbox. | |
Event_UpdateIncomingEventData | Updates an event in the user's incoming event mailbox. | |
File_CancelDownload | @BrainCloud_CancelDownload_desc | |
File_CancelUpload | Method cancels an upload. If an IFileUploadCallback has been registered with the BrainCloudClient class,
the fileUploadFailed callback method will be called once the upload has been canceled.
NOTE: The upload will still continue in the background on versions of Unity before 5.3
and on Unity mobile platforms. | |
File_DeleteUserFile | Deletes a single user file. | |
File_DeleteUserFiles | Delete multiple user files | |
File_DownloadFile | @BrainCloud_DownloadFile_desc | |
File_GetCDNUrl | Returns the CDN URL for a file object. | |
File_GetDownloadInfo | @BrainCloud_GetDownloadInfo_desc | |
File_GetUploadBytesTransferred | Returns the number of bytes uploaded or -1 if upload not found.
NOTE: This will always return the total bytes to transfer on Unity mobile platforms. | |
File_GetUploadProgress | Returns the progress of the given upload from 0.0 to 1.0 or -1 if upload not found.
NOTE: This will always return 1 on Unity mobile platforms. | |
File_GetUploadTotalBytesToTransfer | Returns the total number of bytes that will be uploaded or -1 if upload not found. | |
File_ListUserFiles_SFO | List all user files | |
File_ListUserFiles_SNSFO | List user files from the given cloud path | |
File_UploadFile | Prepares a user file upload. On success the file will begin uploading
to the brainCloud server.To be informed of success/failure of the upload
register an IFileUploadCallback with the BrainCloudClient class. | |
Friend_AcceptFriendInvitation | ||
Friend_AddFriends | ||
Friend_FindUserByUniversalId | ||
Friend_FindUsersByExactName | Finds a list of users matching the search text by performing an exact
search of all user names. | |
Friend_FindUsersBySubstrName | Finds a list of users matching the search text by performing a substring
search of all user names. | |
Friend_GetSummaryDataForFriends | Returns user state of the player's friends. | |
Friend_GetSummaryDataForProfileId | Returns user state of a particular user. | |
Friend_GetSummaryDataForProfileIds | ||
Friend_GetSummaryDataForRecentlyMetPlayers | Returns user state of player's recently met. | |
Friend_GetUsersOnlineStatus | ||
Friend_ListFriendInvitationsReceived | ||
Friend_ListFriendInvitationsSent | ||
Friend_ListFriends | ||
Friend_ReadFriendEntity | Returns a particular entity of a particular friend. | |
Friend_ReadFriendsEntities | Returns entities of all friends based on type and/or subtype. | |
Friend_ReadFriendUserState | Returns user state of a particular friend. | |
Friend_RejectFriendInvitation | ||
Friend_RemoveFriend | ||
Friend_RemoveFriends | ||
Friend_SendFriendInvitation | ||
Gamification_AwardAchievements | ||
Gamification_ReadAchievedAchievements | Method retrives the list of achieved achievements. | |
Gamification_ReadAchievements | Read all of the achievements defined for the game. | |
Gamification_ReadAllGamification | Method retrieves all gamification data for the player. | |
Gamification_ReadCompletedMilestones | Method retrieves the list of completed milestones. | |
Gamification_ReadCompletedQuests | Method returns all completed quests. | |
Gamification_ReadInProgressMilestones | Method retrieves the list of in progress milestones | |
Gamification_ReadInProgressQuests | Method returns all in progress quests. | |
Gamification_ReadMilestones | Method retrieves all milestones defined for the game. | |
Gamification_ReadMilestonesByCategory | Method retrieves milestones of the given category. | |
Gamification_ReadNotStartedQuests | Method returns all quests that haven't been started. | |
Gamification_ReadQuests | Method retrieves all of the quests defined for the game. | |
Gamification_ReadQuestsByCategory | Method returns all quests for the given category. | |
Gamification_ReadQuestsWithBasicPercentage | Method returns all quests with a basic percentage. | |
Gamification_ReadQuestsWithComplexPercentage | Method returns all quests with a complex percentage. | |
Gamification_ReadQuestsWithStatus | Method returns all quests with status. | |
Gamification_ReadXpLevelsMetaData | Method returns all defined xp levels and any rewards associated
with those xp levels. | |
Gamification_ResetMilestones | ||
GlobalApp_ReadProperties | Method reads all the global properties of the game | |
GlobalEntity_CreateEntity | Method creates a new entity on the server. | |
GlobalEntity_CreateEntityWithIndexedId | Method creates a new entity on the server with an indexed id. | |
GlobalEntity_DeleteEntity | Method deletes an existing entity on the server. | |
GlobalEntity_GetList | Method gets list of entities from the server base on type and/or where clause | |
GlobalEntity_GetListByIndexedId | Method gets list of entities from the server base on indexed id | |
GlobalEntity_GetListCount | Method gets a count of entities based on the where clause | |
GlobalEntity_GetPage | Method uses a paging system to iterate through Global Entities.
After retrieving a page of Global Entities with this method,
use GetPageOffset() to retrieve previous or next pages. | |
GlobalEntity_GetPageOffset | Method to retrieve previous or next pages after having called
the GetPage method. | |
GlobalEntity_GetRandomEntitiesMatching | Gets a list of up to randomCount randomly selected entities from the server based on the where condition and specified maximum return count. | |
GlobalEntity_IncrementGlobalEntityData | Partial increment of global entity data field items. Partial set of items incremented as specified. | |
GlobalEntity_MakeSystemEntity | ||
GlobalEntity_ReadEntity | Method reads an existing entity from the server. | |
GlobalEntity_UpdateEntity | Method updates an existing entity on the server. | |
GlobalEntity_UpdateEntityAcl | Method updates an existing entity's Acl on the server. | |
GlobalEntity_UpdateEntityOwnerAndAcl | ||
GlobalEntity_UpdateEntityTimeToLive | Method updates an existing entity's time to live on the server. | |
GlobalStatistics_IncrementGlobalStats | Atomically increment (or decrement) global statistics.
Global statistics are defined through the brainCloud portal. | |
GlobalStatistics_ProcessStatistics | ||
GlobalStatistics_ReadAllGlobalStats | Method returns all of the global statistics. | |
GlobalStatistics_ReadGlobalStatsForCategory | Method retrieves the global statistics for the given category. | |
GlobalStatistics_ReadGlobalStatsSubset | ||
Group_AcceptGroupInvitation | Accept an outstanding invitation to join the group. | |
Group_AddGroupMember | ||
Group_ApproveGroupJoinRequest | ||
Group_AutoJoinGroup | ||
Group_CancelGroupInvitation | Cancel an outstanding invitation to the group. | |
Group_CreateGroup | ||
Group_CreateGroupEntity | ||
Group_DeleteGroup | Delete a group. | |
Group_DeleteGroupEntity | Delete a group entity. | |
Group_GetMyGroups | Read information on groups to which the current user belongs. | |
Group_IncrementGroupData | Increment elements for the group's data field. | |
Group_IncrementGroupEntityData | Increment elements for the group entity's data field. | |
Group_InviteGroupMember | ||
Group_JoinGroup | Join an open group or request to join a closed group. | |
Group_LeaveGroup | Leave a group in which the user is a member. | |
Group_ListGroupsPage | Retrieve a page of group summary information based on the specified context. | |
Group_ListGroupsPageByOffset | Retrieve a page of group summary information based on the encoded context
and specified page offset. | |
Group_ListGroupsWithMember | Read information on groups to which the specified user belongs. Access is subject to restrictions. | |
Group_ReadGroup | Read the specified group. | |
Group_ReadGroupData | Read the data of the specified group. | |
Group_ReadGroupEntitiesPage | Read a page of group entity information. | |
Group_ReadGroupEntitiesPageByOffset | Read a page of group entity information. | |
Group_ReadGroupEntity | Read the specified group entity. | |
Group_ReadGroupMembers | Read the members of the group. | |
Group_RejectGroupInvitation | Reject an outstanding invitation to join the group. | |
Group_RejectGroupJoinRequest | Reject an outstanding request to join the group. | |
Group_RemoveGroupMember | Remove a member from the group. | |
Group_UpdateGroupData | Updates a group's data. | |
Group_UpdateGroupEntityData | Update a group entity. | |
Group_UpdateGroupMember | ||
Group_UpdateGroupName | Updates a group's name. | |
Identity_AttachEmailIdentity | Attach a Email and Password identity to the current profile. | |
Identity_AttachParentWithIdentity | Attach a new identity to a parent app | |
Identity_AttachPeerProfile | Attaches a peer identity to this user's profile | |
Identity_AttachUniversalIdentity | Attach a Universal (userId + password) identity to the current profile. | |
Identity_ChangeEmailIdentity | Allows email identity email address to be changed | |
Identity_DetachEmailIdentity | Detach the e-mail identity from the current profile | |
Identity_DetachParent | Detaches parent from this user's profile | |
Identity_DetachPeer | Detaches a peer identity from this user's profile | |
Identity_DetachUniversalIdentity | Detach the universal identity from the current profile | |
Identity_GetChildProfiles | Returns a list of all child profiles in child Apps | |
Identity_GetExpiredIdentities | Retrieve list of expired identities | |
Identity_GetIdentities | Retrieve list of identities | |
Identity_GetPeerProfiles | Retrieves a list of attached peer profiles | |
Identity_MergeEmailIdentity | Merge the profile associated with the provided e=mail with the current profile. | |
Identity_MergeUniversalIdentity | Merge the profile associated with the provided e=mail with the current profile. | |
Identity_RefreshIdentity | Refreshes an identity for this user | |
Identity_SwitchToChildProfile | Switch to a Child Profile | |
Identity_SwitchToParentProfile | Switch to a Parent Profile | |
Identity_SwitchToSingletonChildProfile | Switches to the child profile of an app when only one profile exists
If multiple profiles exist this returns an error | |
Lobby_CloseLobby | Close a lobby so players can't join. | |
Lobby_CreateLobby | ||
Lobby_DestroyLobby | Destroy a lobby. | |
Lobby_FindFriendsLobbies | Find lobbies with the player's friends in them. | |
Lobby_FindLobbies | Find lobbies the player can join. | |
Lobby_GetMyLobbies | Get a list of lobbies the player is a member of. | |
Lobby_JoinLobby | Join a lobby. | |
Lobby_LeaveLobby | Leave a lobby. | |
Lobby_OpenLobby | Open a lobby so players can join. | |
Lobby_StartGame | Start a lobby game. | |
Mail_SendAdvancedEmail | Sends an advanced email to the specified user | |
Mail_SendAdvancedEmailByAddress | Sends an advanced email to the specified email address | |
Mail_SendBasicEmail | Sends a simple text email to the specified user | |
MatchMaking_DecrementPlayerRating | Decrements player rating | |
MatchMaking_DisableMatchMaking | Disables Match Making for the Player | |
MatchMaking_EnableMatchMaking | Enables Match Making for the Player | |
MatchMaking_FindPlayers | Finds matchmaking enabled players | |
MatchMaking_FindPlayersUsingFilter | Finds matchmaking enabled players using a cloud code filter | |
MatchMaking_FindPlayersWithAttributes | Finds matchmaking enabled players with additional attributes | |
MatchMaking_FindPlayersWithAttributesUsingFilter | Finds matchmaking enabled players using a cloud code filter
and additional attributes | |
MatchMaking_GetShieldExpiry | Gets the shield expiry for the given player id. Passing in a null player id
will return the shield expiry for the current player. The value returned is
the time in UTC millis when the shield will expire. | |
MatchMaking_IncrementPlayerRating | Increments player rating | |
MatchMaking_IncrementShieldOnFor | Increases the shield on time by specified number of minutes | |
MatchMaking_Read | Read match making record | |
MatchMaking_ResetPlayerRating | Resets player rating | |
MatchMaking_SetPlayerRating | Sets player rating | |
MatchMaking_TurnShieldOff | Turns shield off | |
MatchMaking_TurnShieldOn | Turns shield on | |
MatchMaking_TurnShieldOnFor | Turns shield on for the specified number of minutes | |
OneWayMatch_CancelMatch | Cancels a match | |
OneWayMatch_CompleteMatch | Completes a match | |
OneWayMatch_StartMatch | Starts a match | |
Party_AcceptPartyInvitation | ||
Party_GetFriendsParties | ||
Party_GetMyParty | ||
Party_GetPartyInfo | ||
Party_JoinParty | ||
Party_LeaveParty | ||
Party_ListPartyInvitations | ||
Party_RejectPartyInvitation | ||
Party_SendPartyInvitation | ||
Patch_GetGameManifest | ||
PlaybackStream_AddEvent | Adds a stream event | |
PlaybackStream_DeleteStream | Deletes a stream | |
PlaybackStream_EndStream | Ends a stream | |
PlaybackStream_GetRecentStreamsForInitiatingPlayer | Gets recent streams for initiating player | |
PlaybackStream_GetRecentStreamsForTargetPlayer | Gets recent streams for target player | |
PlaybackStream_ReadStream | Reads a stream | |
PlaybackStream_StartStream | Starts a stream | |
PlayerState_DeleteUser | Completely deletes the user record and all data fully owned
by the user. After calling this method, the user will need
to re-authenticate and create a new profile.
This is mostly used for debugging/qa. | |
PlayerState_GetAttributes | Retrieve the user's attributes. | |
PlayerState_Logout | Logs user out of server. | |
PlayerState_ReadUserState | Read the state of the currently logged in user.
This method returns a JSON object describing most of the
player's data: entities, statistics, level, currency.
Apps will typically call this method after authenticating to get an
up-to-date view of the user's data. | |
PlayerState_RemoveAttributes | ||
PlayerState_ResetUser | This method will delete *most* data for the currently logged in user.
Data which is not deleted includes: currency, credentials, and
purchase transactions. ResetUser is different from DeleteUser in that
the player record will continue to exist after the reset (so the user
does not need to re-authenticate). | |
PlayerState_UpdateAttributes | Update user's attributes. | |
PlayerState_UpdateContactEmail | Update the user's contact email.
Note this is unrelated to email authentication. | |
PlayerState_UpdateSummaryFriendData | Updates the "friend summary data" associated with the logged in user.
Some operations will return this summary data. For instance the social
leaderboards will return the player's score in the leaderboard along
with the friend summary data. Generally this data is used to provide
a quick overview of the player without requiring a separate API call
to read their public stats or entity data. | |
PlayerState_UpdateUserName | Sets the user name. | |
PlayerState_UpdateUserPictureUrl | Updates player's picture URL. | |
PlayerStatistics_GetNextExperienceLevel | Returns JSON representing the next experience level for the user. | |
PlayerStatistics_IncrementExperiencePoints | Increments the user's experience. If the user goes up a level,
the new level details will be returned along with a list of rewards. | |
PlayerStatistics_IncrementUserStats_DSFO | ||
PlayerStatistics_IncrementUserStats_SSFO | Atomically increment (or decrement) user statistics.
Any rewards that are triggered from user statistic increments
will be considered. User statistics are defined through the brainCloud portal.
Note also that the "xpCapped" property is returned (true/false depending on whether
the xp cap is turned on and whether the user has hit it). | |
PlayerStatistics_ProcessStatistics | ||
PlayerStatistics_ReadAllUserStats | Read all available user statistics. | |
PlayerStatistics_ReadUserStatsForCategory | Method retrieves the user statistics for the given category. | |
PlayerStatistics_ReadUserStatsSubset | ||
PlayerStatistics_ResetAllUserStats | Reset all of the statistics for this user back to their initial value. | |
PlayerStatistics_SetExperiencePoints | Sets the user's experience to an absolute value. Note that this
is simply a set and will not reward the user if their level changes
as a result. | |
PlayerStatisticsEvent_TriggerStatsEvent | Trigger an event server side that will increase the user statistics.
This may cause one or more awards to be sent back to the user -
could be achievements, experience, etc. Achievements will be sent by this
client library to the appropriate awards service (Apple Game Center, etc).
This mechanism supercedes the PlayerStatisticsService API methods, since
PlayerStatisticsService API method only update the raw statistics without
triggering the rewards. | |
PlayerStatisticsEvent_TriggerStatsEvents | See documentation for TriggerStatsEvent for more
documentation. | |
Product_GetCurrency | Gets the player's currency for the given currency type
or all currency types if null passed in. | |
Product_GetEligiblePromotions | Returns the eligible promotions for the player. | |
Product_GetSalesInventory | Method gets the active sales inventory for the passed-in
currency type. | |
Product_GetSalesInventoryByCategory | Method gets the active sales inventory for the passed-in
currency type and category. | |
Product_VerifyItunesReceipt | Verify ITunes Receipt. On success, the player will be awarded the
associated currencies. | |
Product_VerifyMicrosoftReceipt | Verify Microsoft Receipt. On success, the player will be awarded the
associated currencies. | |
Profanity_ProfanityCheck | Checks supplied text for profanity. | |
Profanity_ProfanityIdentifyBadWords | Checks supplied text for profanity and returns a list of bad wors. | |
Profanity_ProfanityReplaceText | Replaces the characters of profanity text with a passed character(s). | |
PushNotification_DeregisterAllPushNotificationDeviceTokens | Deregisters all device tokens currently registered to the user. | |
PushNotification_DeregisterPushNotificationDeviceToken | Deregisters the given device token from the server to disable this device
from receiving push notifications. | |
PushNotification_RegisterPushNotificationDeviceToken | Registers the given device token with the server to enable this device
to receive push notifications. | |
PushNotification_ScheduleNormalizedPushNotificationMinutes | Schedules a normalized push notification to a user | |
PushNotification_ScheduleNormalizedPushNotificationUTC | Schedules a normalized push notification to a user | |
PushNotification_ScheduleRawPushNotificationMinutes | Schedules raw notifications based on user local time. | |
PushNotification_ScheduleRawPushNotificationUTC | Schedules raw notifications based on user local time. | |
PushNotification_ScheduleRichPushNotificationMinutes | Schedules a rich push notification to a user | |
PushNotification_ScheduleRichPushNotificationUTC | Schedules a rich push notification to a user | |
PushNotification_SendNormalizedPushNotification | Sends a notification to a user consisting of alert content and custom data. | |
PushNotification_SendNormalizedPushNotificationBatch | ||
PushNotification_SendNormalizedPushNotificationToGroup | Sends a notification to a "group" of user based on a brainCloud portal configured notification template.
Includes JSON defining the substitution params to use with the template.
See the Portal documentation for more info. | |
PushNotification_SendRawPushNotification | Sends a raw push notification to a target user. | |
PushNotification_SendRawPushNotificationBatch | ||
PushNotification_SendRawPushNotificationToGroup | Sends a raw push notification to a target group. | |
PushNotification_SendRichPushNotification | Sends a notification to a user based on a brainCloud portal configured notification template.
NOTE: It is possible to send a push notification to oneself. | |
PushNotification_SendRichPushNotificationWithParams | Sends a notification to a user based on a brainCloud portal configured notification template.
Includes JSON defining the substitution params to use with the template.
See the Portal documentation for more info.
NOTE: It is possible to send a push notification to oneself. | |
PushNotification_SendSimplePushNotification | Sends a simple push notification based on the passed in message.
NOTE: It is possible to send a push notification to oneself. | |
PushNotification_SendTemplatedPushNotificationToGroup | Sends a notification to a "group" of user based on a brainCloud portal configured notification template.
Includes JSON defining the substitution params to use with the template.
See the Portal documentation for more info. | |
Script_CancelScheduledScript | Cancels a scheduled cloud code script | |
Script_RunParentScript | Run a cloud script in a parent app | |
Script_RunPeerScript | Runs a script from the context of a peer | |
Script_RunPeerScriptAsynch | Runs a script asynchronously from the context of a peer
This operation does not wait for the script to complete before returning | |
Script_RunScript | Executes a script on the server. | |
Script_ScheduleRunScriptMinutes | Allows cloud script executions to be scheduled | |
Script_ScheduleRunScriptUTC | ||
Shopping_AddToCart_ISFO | ||
Shopping_AddToCart_SISFO | Add a product to the player's shopping cart. | |
Shopping_AddToWishlist | Add an item to the player's wishlist. | |
Shopping_EmptyCart | Empty the player's shopping cart. | |
Shopping_EmptyWishlist | Remove all items from the player's wishlist. | |
Shopping_FunnyUserReview | @2222188570 | |
Shopping_GetCart | Retrieve the player's current shopping cart. | |
Shopping_GetFeaturedProducts | Return a list of featured products. | |
Shopping_GetMyLibrary | @2304250631 | |
Shopping_GetMyOrders | @919332756 | |
Shopping_GetMyUserTags | @274383141 | |
Shopping_GetMyWishlist | Returns the current player's wishlist. | |
Shopping_GetPopularProducts | Return a list of the mos tpopular products. | |
Shopping_GetPopularTags | @1350446922 | |
Shopping_GetProduct | @2681224790 | |
Shopping_GetProductsByTag | @3387279661 | |
Shopping_GetProductsByTags | ||
Shopping_GetRecentlyCreatedProducts | Return a list of recently created products. | |
Shopping_GetRecentlyUpdatedProducts | Return a list of recently updated products. | |
Shopping_GetRecommendedProducts | @2681224790 | |
Shopping_GetSpecialOffers | Return a list of special offers. | |
Shopping_GetUserReviews | Get a list of user reviews for a product. | |
Shopping_GetUserTags | @1777617418 | |
Shopping_GetWishlist | Returns the specified player's wishlist. | |
Shopping_LikeUserReview | @3972606582 | |
Shopping_RemoveFromCart | Remove an item from the player's shopping cart. | |
Shopping_RemoveFromWishlist_ISFO | ||
Shopping_RemoveFromWishlist_SSFO | Remove an item from the player's wishlist. | |
Shopping_RemoveUserTag | @2944656417 | |
Shopping_SubmitUserReview | Submit a user review of a product. | |
Shopping_SubmitUserTag | @3717774610 | |
Shopping_SubmitUserTags | ||
Shopping_UnfunnyUserReview | @2806051775 | |
Shopping_UnlikeUserReview | @594218927 | |
SocialFeed_BlockPlayer | ||
SocialFeed_GetActivity | ||
SocialFeed_GetComment | ||
SocialFeed_HidePlayer | ||
SocialFeed_LikeActivity | ||
SocialFeed_LikeComment | ||
SocialFeed_PostComment | ||
SocialFeed_PostCommentReply | ||
SocialFeed_ReadCommentReplies | ||
SocialFeed_ReadComments | ||
SocialFeed_ReadFilteredSocialFeed | ||
SocialFeed_ReadFriendsSocialFeed | ||
SocialFeed_ReadSocialFeed | ||
SocialFeed_SetFeedVisibility | ||
SocialFeed_ShareAchievement | ||
SocialFeed_ShareApp | ||
SocialFeed_ShareChannel | ||
SocialFeed_ShareGameGuide | ||
SocialFeed_ShareLink | ||
SocialFeed_ShareScreenshot | ||
SocialFeed_ShareVideo | ||
SocialFeed_UnblockPlayer | ||
SocialFeed_UnhidePlayer | ||
SocialFeed_UnlikeActivity | ||
SocialFeed_UnlikeComment | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardEntryCount | Gets the number of entries in a global leaderboard | |
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardEntryCountByVersion | Gets the number of entries in a global leaderboard | |
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardPage | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardPageByVersion | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardVersions | Gets the global leaderboard versions. | |
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardView | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetGlobalLeaderboardViewByVersion | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetGroupSocialLeaderboard | Retrieve the social leaderboard for a group. | |
SocialLeaderboard_GetMultiSocialLeaderboard | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetPlayerScore | Gets a player's score from a leaderboard | |
SocialLeaderboard_GetPlayerScoresFromLeaderboards | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetPlayersSocialLeaderboard | ||
SocialLeaderboard_GetSocialLeaderboard | Method returns the social leaderboard. A player's social leaderboard is
comprised of players who are recognized as being your friend.
For now, this applies solely to Facebook connected players who are
friends with the logged in player (who also must be Facebook connected).
In the future this will expand to other identification means (such as
Game Centre, Google circles etc).
Leaderboards entries contain the player's score and optionally, some user-defined
data associated with the score. The currently logged in player will also
be returned in the social leaderboard.
Note: If no friends have played the game, the bestScore, createdAt, updatedAt
will contain NULL. | |
SocialLeaderboard_ListLeaderboards | Retrieve a list of all leaderboards | |
SocialLeaderboard_PostScoreToDynamicLeaderboard | ||
SocialLeaderboard_PostScoreToDynamicLeaderboardDays | ||
SocialLeaderboard_PostScoreToLeaderboard | Post the players score to the given social leaderboard.
You can optionally send a user-defined json string of data
with the posted score. This string could include information
relevant to the posted score.
Note that the behaviour of posting a score can be modified in
the brainCloud portal. By default, the server will only keep
the player's best score. | |
SocialLeaderboard_RemovePlayerScore | Removes a player's score from the leaderboard | |
Telemetry_EndTelemetryEvent | ||
Telemetry_EndTelemetrySession | ||
Telemetry_LogTelemetryEvent | ||
Telemetry_StartTelemetryEvent | ||
Telemetry_StartTelemetrySession | ||
Time_ReadServerTime | Method returns the server time in UTC. This is in UNIX millis time format.
For instance 1396378241893 represents 2014-04-01 2:50:41.893 in GMT-4. | |
Tournament_ClaimTournamentReward | Processes any outstanding rewards for the given player | |
Tournament_GetTournamentStatus | Get tournament status associated with a leaderboard | |
Tournament_JoinTournament | Join the specified tournament.
Any entry fees will be automatically collected. | |
Tournament_LeaveTournament | Removes player's score from tournament leaderboard | |
Tournament_PostTournamentScore | ||
Tournament_PostTournamentScoreWithResults | ||
Tournament_ViewCurrentReward | Returns the user's expected reward based on the current scores | |
Tournament_ViewReward | Returns the user's reward from a finished tournament |